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06:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Salvation Army Radiothon Friday On WBAT

Friday on WBAT, the Salvation Army will be the full focus during the 5th annual Radiothon from 6 a-m until 6 p-m.

The work of the Salvation Army is highlighted around the holidays late in the year, but the organization works to help others throughout the year, so funding becomes tight during the summer.

Local Corp Commander Lieutenant Blake Fewell says it’ll be an exciting day for the Salvation Army.

Several sponsors have lined up to sponsor not only specific hours of the Radiothon, but also to match any contribution up to 250-dollars. Others have made their own generous gifts to go toward the Radiothon.

Fewell says the Radiothon has become a major summertime fundraiser for the Salvation Army to help them provide help to those in need in Grant County.

Again, the Radiothon is Friday from 6 a-m to 6 p-m here on WBAT.

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