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Kokomo’s Mayor-Elect Tyler Moore announces transition team

Kokomo’s Mayor-Elect Tyler Moore has named four community leaders to serve on his transition team.

Those leaders include Jamie Bolser, Howard County Republican Party Chair; State Rep. Mike Karickhoff; Ron Metz, Managing Partner, Bucheri McCarty and Metz LLP; and former Howard County Attorney Larry Murrell.

“This Transition Team began work last Friday. They will assist me with forming our new administration and making a smooth transition into the new year,” said Moore in a press release. “Each of them was selected because of his or her involvement in the community, as well as the public and private business expertise they bring to the table.”

One of the Transition Team’s first tasks, according to Moore, will be to form an Advisory Committee that will provide perspective and recommendations on the major issues
facing Kokomo. “I want a diverse, ongoing Advisory Committee that represents all segments of our community,” Moore explained. “We will work hard with this Advisory Committee and use their input to make sure we have the best, most-responsive, most transparent government possible.”

Members of the Advisory Committee will be selected in the “near future.”

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