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City of Marion Offices to Close to the Public with Little Exception Effective Monday, 3/23/20 at Noon

City of Mar­i­on offices will be closed to pub­lic access effec­tive Mon­day, March 23rd2020, at Noon. All depart­ments will con­tin­ue to per­form busi­ness as usu­al. How­ev­er, all com­mu­ni­ca­tion should be con­duct­ed by phone, email, fax, or oth­er elec­tron­ic means.

Until fur­ther notice, the Build­ing Dept. will con­tin­ue to process and issue build­ing per­mit requests in an effort to con­tin­ue con­struc­tion work with­out inter­rup­tion. Any­one request­ing such per­mits should enter City Hall and take the ele­va­tor or stairs to the Build­ing Dept. locat­ed on the 3rdfloor. An area has been estab­lished that will min­i­mize trans­mis­sion of the COVID-19 virus. How­ev­er, those wish­ing to vis­it the Build­ing Dept. who feel ill or dis­play any flu-like symp­toms should not enter the build­ing for any rea­son. To reach the Build­ing Dept. with ques­tions, please call 765.662.9931.

The City­wide Main­te­nance facil­i­ty will no longer accept or pick up brush dur­ing this state of emer­gency. Access to the facil­i­ty by the pub­lic will be prohibited.

The Trans­porta­tion Dept. ter­mi­nal will be closed. Bus­es will con­tin­ue to pro­vide ADA ser­vice. Rou­tine bus ser­vice will be sus­pend­ed until fur­ther notice. How­ev­er, ser­vice will be pro­vid­ed on a call-ahead basis with at least a 24-hour notice for nec­es­sary trips to med­ical appoint­ments, phar­ma­cies, and gro­cery stores. Call Trans­porta­tion at 765.668.4445 to sched­ule the spe­cial tran­sit service.

The Parks sys­tem will remain open and acces­si­ble. The pub­lic is encour­aged to adhere to CDC rec­om­men­da­tions and prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing. The Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park will remain acces­si­ble as well. How­ev­er, all shel­ters at the park includ­ing the Gar­den House and Red Barn will be closed. All rentals have been can­celed through April 30th2020, and no fur­ther reser­va­tions will be accept­ed until fur­ther notice. Exist­ing reser­va­tions for May 1stand beyond are still sched­uled. Refunds will be issued to those who pre­vi­ous­ly reserved the Gar­den House dur­ing the affect­ed dates. Wed­dings will be allowed to con­tin­ue in the Gar­dens area (out­side), but CDC guide­lines should be followed.

Mar­i­on City Court is respond­ing in the same man­ner as Grant Coun­ty. All nonessen­tial in-per­son court pro­ceed­ings shall be post­poned until May 4th2020. The fol­low­ing pro­ceed­ings will con­tin­ue as sched­uled: all in-cus­tody tri­als and hear­ings, all ini­tial hear­ings, and all oth­er court pro­ceed­ings deemed essen­tial by the Judge of Mar­i­on City Court. All indi­vid­u­als who have been sum­moned to appear in Mar­i­on City Court between now and May 4th2020, shall imme­di­ate­ly con­tact Mar­i­on City Court at 765.668.4423 to be advised as to whether their appear­ance in court is required or their court pro­ceed­ing has been continued.

From now until fur­ther notice, the Clerk’s Office is request­ing all items for the City Coun­cil for the month of April, 2020, be filed through email to kkiley@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov and dgoodman@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov, and only if it is per­ti­nent to the finan­cial run­ning of the city.

The City of Mar­i­on reminds cit­i­zens that as a result of this local dis­as­ter and pub­lic health emer­gency, Grant Coun­ty remains under an orange trav­el watch until fur­ther notice. This lim­its motorists to essen­tial trav­el only, includ­ing to and from work, gro­cery, med­ical treat­ment or sup­plies, emer­gency sit­u­a­tions, and oth­er essen­tial services.

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