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ISDH: Grant County hits 97 positive COVID-19 cases

There are now 97 positive cases of the novel coronavirus in Grant County, with four reported deaths. A jump of 19 cases from Monday.

It’s known that many of those cases are related to the Colonial Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Center which has at least 30 positive cases among residents and at least 17 among staff members as of Monday afternoon.

The Indiana State Department of Health today announced that 431 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 through testing at ISDH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and private laboratories.

That brings to 12,097 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel coronavirus following corrections to the previous day’s total.

The new cases and new tests reported today are lower than expected due to a technology issue and should not be interpreted as a decline in new infections, according to the ISDH. The additional positive cases not included in today’s report will be captured in the coming days and reflected appropriately.

A total of 630 Hoosiers have died to date.

To date, 67,264 tests have been reported to ISDH, up from 64,649 on Monday.

Marion County had the most new cases, at 133. Other counties with more than 10 new cases were Allen (11), Cass (20), Elkhart (14), Grant (19), Hamilton (17), Hendricks (12), Johnson (24), Lake (49), St. Joseph (31) and Warrick (10). The Lake County totals include results from East Chicago and Gary, which have their own health departments.

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