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Marion man leads police on high speed chase after drag racing, passenger ejected during crash

A report of cars drag racing Friday night led to a gas leak, down power lines, a car fire and one arrest in Grant County.

According to Capt. Ed Beaty with the Grant County Sheriff’s Department, a deputy responded to the area of County Road 200 West and County Road 200 North in Marion Friday night on reports of people drag racing in the street. A resident told authorities just before 8 p.m. that several vehicles were drag racing, including several motorcycles.

When the deputy arrived he observed a man standing near a dark-colored vehicle at the intersection of C.R. 200 West and Sherron Place. When the deputy approached, the man got into the vehicle and sped off westbound on Sherron Place.

The driver of the vehicle, identified as Nigel Clement, 20, of Marion, led the deputy on a pursuit, reaching speeds over 100 mph. The high-speed chase lasted just two minutes before Clement lost control of his vehicle in the area of 5300 West. The vehicle struck a utility pole, knocking down power lines, and then a gas main, causing a gas leak. The vehicle rolled and a female passenger was ejected from the rear window.

Clement then climbed out of the window and ran away from the scene. The deputy was able to apprehend him. Clement’s vehicle caught on fire shortly afterward and officers on the scene say they heard what sounded like ammunition going off inside.

Clement’s passenger, identified as Aaliyah Love, 18, of Marion, was airlifted to Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne to be treated for her injuries. Love has since been released from the hospital with minor injuries. Clement also suffered minor injuries.

Police arrested Clement and he is facing charges of resisting law enforcement, reckless driving resulting in injury and six other traffic infractions he allegedly committed during the pursuit.

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