United Way Serving Howard and Tipton Counties has received a huge donation from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) to provide over100,000 meals for children in Howard and Tipton Counties.
“FCA has always been an incredible partner for United Way Serving Howard and Tipton Counties, and this most recent investment is just another example of how tuned in they are to the needs of our community. In this case, the funds will be used to connect children and families to food pantry services via Food Finders Food Bank,” said Rex Ambrose, United Way Board President.
According to Libby O’Brien, United Way Community Development Director, United Way will organize food stops at all Howard and Tipton County Schools.
As the pandemic unfolds, United Way is partnering with nonprofits to make sure supports are in place to help struggling families who are being hit the hardest right now with unbudgeted expenses.
“We know our families are facing overwhelming challenges,” O’Brien said. “FCA in partnership with United Way serving Howard and Tipton Counties will deploy these funds to provide several free food stops for families in the Tipton Community School Corporation with the first date being this Thursday, May 7th from 12PM-2PM at Tipton Middle School. We want to thank our partners at the Tipton County Foundation and Food Finders Food Bank for assisting with planning, packing and distributing meals.”
The next free food stop will be for families in the Tri-Central Community School Corporation DIstrict on Tuesday, May 12 from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. To find more information, please call 765-457-HELP or text ACCESS to 85511, or visit searchunitedwayhowardcounty.org or searchunitedwaytiptoncounty.org.
Donations can be made securely at unitedwayhoco.org, by calling 765-457-HELP (4357) or by mailing a check to 210 W Walnut St, Kokomo, IN 46901.