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Colleges and universities talk plans for the fall semester

While many colleges and universities switched to remote, online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more schools are releasing their plans for the 2020-2021 school years.

Taylor University’s Interim President Paige Comstock Cunningham has announced 2020 commencement is now scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 15. Taylor’s fall semester is scheduled to begin on Aug. 31.

“We have made it to the end of spring semester. Seniors are jumping into finals week and I am so thankful for the way you have hung in there, and pivoted to finish your courses in a different way,” Cunningham said.

“Secondly, to our faculty – your creativity, your endurance, and your commitment to every single student is such an inspiration to me,” she added. “I also what to say thank you to our staff, who have been working behind the scenes to keep us connected, well cared for, and safe when we are on campus, and in touch with one another when we are away.”

While Ivy Tech Community College has made the summer semester remote, as of now, students, staff and faculty should be able to return for the fall semester.

In-person classes will begin on Monday, August 24. Ivy Tech Marion stated on its website that officials are taking measures to deep clean facilities and will continue to be flexible in order to keep the Ivy Tech community safe, especially if state officials release new guidelines prior to the start of classes.

It’s unclear what Indiana Wesleyan University officials plan to do for the next school year. They have rescheduled 2020 commencement ceremonies for Aug. 22.

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