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Taylor University will resume on-campus classes Aug. 19

Taylor University today announced dates for the upcoming 2020 Fall Semester. The schedule, adjusted from past years due to the pandemic, includes earlier starting and finishing dates, a one-day fall break, and online final exams. 

On-campus classes are scheduled to begin Aug. 19 and end at the traditional Thanksgiving break. Officials said dates for Taylor’s annual Homecoming and Family Weekend, January interterm, and the launch of spring semester are yet to be determined but they plan to have an update on Aug. 1. They also said additional details on safety guidelines will be made as guidance comes from the State of Indiana.

Partial calendar:

Commencement (rescheduled from May), Aug. 15

Students return to campus/ campus move-in, Aug. 16-18

Classes begin at 5:00 pm, Aug. 19

Fall break, October 5

Thanksgiving break, Nov. 24

Final exams (virtual), Nov. 30-Dec. 3

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