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Brothers Osborne’s T.J. Osborne comes out as gay

T.J. Osborne of Brothers Osborne has come out as gay in a new interview with Time.  The 36-year-old musician said in a feature story published on Wednesday, February 3rd that “I’m ready to put this behind me,” and while he’s known he was gay since he was young, only T.J.’s close friends and family knew about it. T.J. said: “I’m very comfortable being gay. I find myself being guarded for not wanting to talk about something that I personally don’t have a problem with. That feels so strange.”

T.J. is the first openly gay artist signed to a major country record label. He admitted that he’s a bit concerned about the way country music fans will react to the news, saying, “People will ask, ‘Why does this even need to be talked about?’ and personally, I agree with that.” T.J.also said he came out to his brother, John, shortly after they moved to Nashville. John said, “He was very open and candid about it, and I was emotional, because my brother was finally able to be completely honest with me about who he was. How often, in life, do we hold back parts of ourselves and wish that we didn’t?” John added, “If I had to have all my money and success erased for my brother to be truly fulfilled in life, I wouldn’t even think about it. Not for a second.”

You can read more of T.J.’s interview with Time at the link here

T.J. Osborne of Brothers Osborne Comes Out as Gay

Via tasteofcountry.com

Editorial credit: Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com

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