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Marion Fire Department receives money to purchase foam truck

Cen­tral Indi­ana Ethanol (CIE) has made a gen­er­ous dona­tion to the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment respond­ing to a need for a Foam Truck to effec­tive­ly fight petro­le­um-based fires. CIE pre­sent­ed a check to MFD on Fri­day, July 16th, in the amount of $52,000 toward the purchase.

A Com­pressed Air Foam Sys­tem (CAFS) improves the fire-extin­guish­ing capa­bil­i­ties of water, enhanc­ing effi­cien­cy and reduc­ing water usage. Foam is need­ed more and more to fight many types of fires result­ing from auto­mo­bile and air­craft acci­dents to indus­tri­al fires. The foam is a blan­ket­ing agent to smoth­er the fire while also act­ing as a cool­ing agent to reduce burning.

With a Foam Truck, MFD will replace their old method of using a foam induc­tor to fight such fires which requires mix­ing ver­sus the pre­mixed and ready CAFS that also con­tin­u­ous­ly pro­duces foam. It will also be ide­al for the CAFS to be on a truck as opposed to a trail­er which fur­ther reduces response time.

Fire Chief Paul David expressed he could not be more grate­ful CIE’s gen­eros­i­ty. ​“They have always been fan­tas­tic to work with in train­ing, finan­cial assis­tance, and our over­all rela­tion­ship. This time, they have real­ly stepped up in answer­ing our need. They are not only help­ing with fire sup­pres­sion with­in the city but the coun­ty abroad. We can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done.”
CIE Envi­ron­men­tal Health & Safe­ty Engi­neer Mike Brow­der helped present the check to MFD. He said, ​“We are just hap­py to work with emer­gency respon­ders and help pro­vide our com­mu­ni­ty with anoth­er resource for emergencies.”

May­or Jess Alum­baugh expressed grat­i­tude for CIE’s over­all gen­eros­i­ty. ​“CIE has always been com­mu­ni­ty-mind­ed in donat­ing to our schools and more over the years. We are grate­ful for their pres­ence in Mar­i­on and for this dona­tion to improve MFD’s per­for­mance and ver­sa­til­i­ty in their job.”

MFD is antic­i­pat­ed to have the Foam Truck in ser­vice around Octo­ber of this year.

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