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Upland looking for an administrative assistant

The Town of Upland is seeking applications for candidates to fill the position of Administrative Assistant.  If you are interested in working for a small, growing, proactive community, this may be your job!  The right candidate will find themselves making an impact that can be seen by citizens every day.

Resumes and cover letters can be submitted through Monday, September 13th, 2021 to Town Manager Jonathan Perez at jperez@uplandindiana.com or dropped off at Upland Town Hall located at 87 N Main Street, Upland IN 46989.

The Administrative  Assistant position is a full-time non-exempt position reporting to the Town Manager in assisting in the execution of the Master Plan. The Administrative Assistant also serves as the primary respondent in all duties related to all town utilities. The Town of Upland will provide a competitive benefits package and salary based on experience and qualifications.

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