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Indiana Chamber creates contest to encourage Hoosier manufacturers

The gauntlet has been thrown down. Entries for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s new Coolest Thing Made in Indiana competition are now being accepted, and manufacturers from around the state are being invited to join what’s shaping up to be a heated competition.

Any company that makes something in the state can compete in the Hoosier Hysteria-style single-elimination format competition.

Entries are being accepted through December 15.

Already, interest in this first-of-its-kind competition in Indiana is high.

“We’ve been hearing from manufacturers from every corner of the state since we announced this contest earlier in the year,” says Kevin Brinegar, Indiana Chamber president and CEO. “A handful of other states have had contests similar to this, but due to Indiana’s long manufacturing history and the feedback we’ve gotten so far, we think this could be the biggest, most competitive tournament of them all.

“If you make something unique, interesting or ingenious, we certainly want to hear from you.”

The Coolest Thing Made in Indiana competition is for companies – from veteran manufacturers to budding entrepreneurs – that make all kinds of things.

To participate, a company does not need to be headquartered in Indiana, but the product entered must be manufactured in the state. Companies are limited to having one product nominated for entry.

The Indiana Chamber’s goal is to showcase the wide variety of manufacturing taking place in the state that has helped our economy thrive.

Companies entered in the tournament will face off in a single-elimination bracket format. Winners will be chosen through public fan voting, with the products receiving the highest votes in each matchup moving to a subsequent round until a Coolest Thing Made in Indiana champion is crowned. The number of votes received will be reset at the beginning of each round.

Hoosier makers don’t have to wait until March to go mad. What’s bound to be fierce competition tips off in early January, and the winner will be crowned in mid-February.

Entry in this tournament is free, and the payoff is potentially huge. All companies in the tournament field will receive recognition. The four finalists will receive prizes – with the champion earning a trophy, a feature article in the Indiana Chamber’s statewide BizVoice® magazine and an invitation to appear on the IN Chamber podcast, among other benefits.

Apply online at www.indianachamber.com/coolestthing.

Various sponsorship opportunities are also available for this inaugural competition. Contact Jim Wagner at jwagner@indianachamber.com or visit the website.

This Coolest Thing Made in Indiana contest marks the Indiana Chamber’s second large-scale awards program. The organization has presented the annual Best Places to Work competition since 2006.

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