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Four local communities gain thousands in funds for road projects

Governor Eric J. Holcomb and Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe McGuinness recently announced 218 Indiana cities, towns, and counties received a combined $101.9 million in state matching funds for local road projects through Community Crossings, a component of the Governor’s Next Level Roads program.

The Community Crossings initiative has provided more than $1 billion in state matching funds for local construction projects since 2016.

For this most recent award cycle, four local entities have received a combined total of $2,045,668.14 in matching funds through this initiative.


Upland  $ 842,114.54
Marion  $  677,688.60
Jonesboro  $ 185,865.00
Grant County  $  340,000.00


To qualify for funding, local governments must provide local matching funds, 50 percent for larger communities or 25 percent for smaller communities, from a funding source approved for road and bridge construction. They must also submit an INDOT-approved asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges. State law requires annually that 50 percent of the available matching funds be awarded to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer. State lawmakers identified long-term funding for Community Crossings as part of House Enrolled Act 1002, passed by the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Holcomb in April 2017.

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