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IWU announces a partnership to bring solar programs to four campuses

Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) is partnering with Carmel-based SunFundED to develop, finance, and operate solar energy systems on four of its campuses across the state.

According to a press release, SunFundED, which focuses solely on partnering with education entities, created and provides “Solar-as-a-Service.”  IWU will save year one with no debt incurred, incorporate a sustainable approach to power as part of the university’s green initiatives, and more robustly prepare students for green energy/STEM careers.  Sun FundED develops, finances, and operates the system for 25 years, thus heavily reducing the work, costs, headaches, and much of the risk out of the equation for their school clients.

IWU will be bringing solar online in 2022 in the largest deployment of solar for one educational organization in the state of Indiana; its Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Merrillville, and main campus in Marion will focus on this new initiative.

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