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On Air
06:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Meet your local morning team




Meet your WBAT “Good Morning Grant County” Hosts

Big John has been with our group of radio stations for almost 20 years.  Originally from Blackford County, and a graduate of Blackford High School and Indiana Wesleyan University.  Big John is the Operations Manager for the Marion group of radio stations.  Becoming the host of “Good Morning Grant County,” wasn’t in the part of his plans.  Big John is on the city council in Montpelier, where he lives with his wife and two kids.  His kids are highly active is sports, and Big John loves to help coach basketball.



Jim Brunner has worked in Marion area radio for 42 years. Jim is also the play-by-play voice for the Marion Giants and Indiana Wesleyan University. You can also find Jim on his sports talk show “In the Press Box,” on Mondays from 2 to 4pm on 860 ESPN. Jim’s a graduate of Indiana University with degree in Radio and TV. His wife, Dory, is a retired art teacher, and son, Paige, is married to wife, Iris, they have two children, Quinn and Leo.
